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Supervisor API

This topic describes the API endpoints to manage and monitor supervisors for Apache Druid. The topic uses the Apache Kafka term offset to refer to the identifier for records in a partition. If you are using Amazon Kinesis, the equivalent is sequence number.

In this topic, http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT is a placeholder for your Router service address and port. Replace it with the information for your deployment. For example, use http://localhost:8888 for quickstart deployments.

Supervisor information

The following table lists the properties of a supervisor object:

idStringUnique identifier.
stateStringGeneric state of the supervisor. Available states:UNHEALTHY_SUPERVISOR, UNHEALTHY_TASKS, PENDING, RUNNING, SUSPENDED, STOPPING. See Supervisor reference for more information.
detailedStateStringDetailed state of the supervisor. This property contains a more descriptive, implementation-specific state that may provide more insight into the supervisor's activities than the state property. See Apache Kafka ingestion and Amazon Kinesis ingestion for supervisor-specific states.
healthyBooleanSupervisor health indicator.
specObjectContainer object for the supervisor configuration.
suspendedBooleanIndicates whether the supervisor is in a suspended state.

Get an array of active supervisor IDs

Returns an array of strings representing the names of active supervisors. If there are no active supervisors, it returns an empty array.


GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor


Successfully retrieved array of active supervisor IDs

Sample request

curl "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor"

Sample response

View the response

Get an array of active supervisor objects

Retrieves an array of active supervisor objects. If there are no active supervisors, it returns an empty array. For reference on the supervisor object properties, see the preceding table.


GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor?full


Successfully retrieved supervisor objects

Sample request

curl "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor?full=null"

Sample response

View the response
"id": "wikipedia_stream",
"state": "RUNNING",
"detailedState": "CONNECTING_TO_STREAM",
"healthy": true,
"spec": {
"type": "kafka",
"spec": {
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "wikipedia_stream",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "__time",
"format": "iso",
"missingValue": null
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"type": "string",
"name": "username",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "string",
"name": "post_title",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "long",
"name": "views",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "upvotes",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "comments",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "string",
"name": "edited",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"dimensionExclusions": [
"includeAllDimensions": false,
"useSchemaDiscovery": false
"metricsSpec": [],
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": {
"type": "none"
"rollup": false,
"intervals": []
"transformSpec": {
"filter": null,
"transforms": []
"ioConfig": {
"topic": "social_media",
"inputFormat": {
"type": "json"
"replicas": 1,
"taskCount": 1,
"taskDuration": "PT3600S",
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9042"
"autoScalerConfig": null,
"pollTimeout": 100,
"startDelay": "PT5S",
"period": "PT30S",
"useEarliestOffset": true,
"completionTimeout": "PT1800S",
"lateMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"earlyMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"lateMessageRejectionStartDateTime": null,
"configOverrides": null,
"idleConfig": null,
"stream": "social_media",
"useEarliestSequenceNumber": true
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "kafka",
"appendableIndexSpec": {
"type": "onheap",
"preserveExistingMetrics": false
"maxRowsInMemory": 150000,
"maxBytesInMemory": 0,
"skipBytesInMemoryOverheadCheck": false,
"maxRowsPerSegment": 5000000,
"maxTotalRows": null,
"intermediatePersistPeriod": "PT10M",
"maxPendingPersists": 0,
"indexSpec": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"indexSpecForIntermediatePersists": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"reportParseExceptions": false,
"handoffConditionTimeout": 0,
"resetOffsetAutomatically": false,
"segmentWriteOutMediumFactory": null,
"workerThreads": null,
"chatRetries": 8,
"httpTimeout": "PT10S",
"shutdownTimeout": "PT80S",
"offsetFetchPeriod": "PT30S",
"intermediateHandoffPeriod": "P2147483647D",
"logParseExceptions": false,
"maxParseExceptions": 2147483647,
"maxSavedParseExceptions": 0,
"skipSequenceNumberAvailabilityCheck": false,
"repartitionTransitionDuration": "PT120S"
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "wikipedia_stream",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "__time",
"format": "iso",
"missingValue": null
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"type": "string",
"name": "username",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "string",
"name": "post_title",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "long",
"name": "views",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "upvotes",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "comments",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "string",
"name": "edited",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"dimensionExclusions": [
"includeAllDimensions": false,
"useSchemaDiscovery": false
"metricsSpec": [],
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": {
"type": "none"
"rollup": false,
"intervals": []
"transformSpec": {
"filter": null,
"transforms": []
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "kafka",
"appendableIndexSpec": {
"type": "onheap",
"preserveExistingMetrics": false
"maxRowsInMemory": 150000,
"maxBytesInMemory": 0,
"skipBytesInMemoryOverheadCheck": false,
"maxRowsPerSegment": 5000000,
"maxTotalRows": null,
"intermediatePersistPeriod": "PT10M",
"maxPendingPersists": 0,
"indexSpec": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"indexSpecForIntermediatePersists": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"reportParseExceptions": false,
"handoffConditionTimeout": 0,
"resetOffsetAutomatically": false,
"segmentWriteOutMediumFactory": null,
"workerThreads": null,
"chatRetries": 8,
"httpTimeout": "PT10S",
"shutdownTimeout": "PT80S",
"offsetFetchPeriod": "PT30S",
"intermediateHandoffPeriod": "P2147483647D",
"logParseExceptions": false,
"maxParseExceptions": 2147483647,
"maxSavedParseExceptions": 0,
"skipSequenceNumberAvailabilityCheck": false,
"repartitionTransitionDuration": "PT120S"
"ioConfig": {
"topic": "social_media",
"inputFormat": {
"type": "json"
"replicas": 1,
"taskCount": 1,
"taskDuration": "PT3600S",
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9042"
"autoScalerConfig": null,
"pollTimeout": 100,
"startDelay": "PT5S",
"period": "PT30S",
"useEarliestOffset": true,
"completionTimeout": "PT1800S",
"lateMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"earlyMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"lateMessageRejectionStartDateTime": null,
"configOverrides": null,
"idleConfig": null,
"stream": "social_media",
"useEarliestSequenceNumber": true
"context": null,
"suspended": false
"suspended": false
"id": "social_media",
"state": "RUNNING",
"detailedState": "RUNNING",
"healthy": true,
"spec": {
"type": "kafka",
"spec": {
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "social_media",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "__time",
"format": "iso",
"missingValue": null
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"type": "string",
"name": "username",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "string",
"name": "post_title",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "long",
"name": "views",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "upvotes",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "comments",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "string",
"name": "edited",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"dimensionExclusions": [
"includeAllDimensions": false,
"useSchemaDiscovery": false
"metricsSpec": [],
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": {
"type": "none"
"rollup": false,
"intervals": []
"transformSpec": {
"filter": null,
"transforms": []
"ioConfig": {
"topic": "social_media",
"inputFormat": {
"type": "json"
"replicas": 1,
"taskCount": 1,
"taskDuration": "PT3600S",
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9094"
"autoScalerConfig": null,
"pollTimeout": 100,
"startDelay": "PT5S",
"period": "PT30S",
"useEarliestOffset": true,
"completionTimeout": "PT1800S",
"lateMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"earlyMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"lateMessageRejectionStartDateTime": null,
"configOverrides": null,
"idleConfig": null,
"stream": "social_media",
"useEarliestSequenceNumber": true
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "kafka",
"appendableIndexSpec": {
"type": "onheap",
"preserveExistingMetrics": false
"maxRowsInMemory": 150000,
"maxBytesInMemory": 0,
"skipBytesInMemoryOverheadCheck": false,
"maxRowsPerSegment": 5000000,
"maxTotalRows": null,
"intermediatePersistPeriod": "PT10M",
"maxPendingPersists": 0,
"indexSpec": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"indexSpecForIntermediatePersists": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"reportParseExceptions": false,
"handoffConditionTimeout": 0,
"resetOffsetAutomatically": false,
"segmentWriteOutMediumFactory": null,
"workerThreads": null,
"chatRetries": 8,
"httpTimeout": "PT10S",
"shutdownTimeout": "PT80S",
"offsetFetchPeriod": "PT30S",
"intermediateHandoffPeriod": "P2147483647D",
"logParseExceptions": false,
"maxParseExceptions": 2147483647,
"maxSavedParseExceptions": 0,
"skipSequenceNumberAvailabilityCheck": false,
"repartitionTransitionDuration": "PT120S"
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "social_media",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "__time",
"format": "iso",
"missingValue": null
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"type": "string",
"name": "username",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "string",
"name": "post_title",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "long",
"name": "views",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "upvotes",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "comments",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "string",
"name": "edited",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"dimensionExclusions": [
"includeAllDimensions": false,
"useSchemaDiscovery": false
"metricsSpec": [],
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": {
"type": "none"
"rollup": false,
"intervals": []
"transformSpec": {
"filter": null,
"transforms": []
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "kafka",
"appendableIndexSpec": {
"type": "onheap",
"preserveExistingMetrics": false
"maxRowsInMemory": 150000,
"maxBytesInMemory": 0,
"skipBytesInMemoryOverheadCheck": false,
"maxRowsPerSegment": 5000000,
"maxTotalRows": null,
"intermediatePersistPeriod": "PT10M",
"maxPendingPersists": 0,
"indexSpec": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"indexSpecForIntermediatePersists": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"reportParseExceptions": false,
"handoffConditionTimeout": 0,
"resetOffsetAutomatically": false,
"segmentWriteOutMediumFactory": null,
"workerThreads": null,
"chatRetries": 8,
"httpTimeout": "PT10S",
"shutdownTimeout": "PT80S",
"offsetFetchPeriod": "PT30S",
"intermediateHandoffPeriod": "P2147483647D",
"logParseExceptions": false,
"maxParseExceptions": 2147483647,
"maxSavedParseExceptions": 0,
"skipSequenceNumberAvailabilityCheck": false,
"repartitionTransitionDuration": "PT120S"
"ioConfig": {
"topic": "social_media",
"inputFormat": {
"type": "json"
"replicas": 1,
"taskCount": 1,
"taskDuration": "PT3600S",
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9094"
"autoScalerConfig": null,
"pollTimeout": 100,
"startDelay": "PT5S",
"period": "PT30S",
"useEarliestOffset": true,
"completionTimeout": "PT1800S",
"lateMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"earlyMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"lateMessageRejectionStartDateTime": null,
"configOverrides": null,
"idleConfig": null,
"stream": "social_media",
"useEarliestSequenceNumber": true
"context": null,
"suspended": false
"suspended": false

Get an array of supervisor states

Retrieves an array of objects representing active supervisors and their current state. If there are no active supervisors, it returns an empty array. For reference on the supervisor object properties, see the preceding table.


GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor?state=true


Successfully retrieved supervisor state objects

Sample request

curl "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor?state=true"

Sample response

View the response
"id": "wikipedia_stream",
"healthy": false,
"suspended": false
"id": "social_media",
"state": "RUNNING",
"detailedState": "RUNNING",
"healthy": true,
"suspended": false

Get supervisor specification

Retrieves the specification for a single supervisor. The returned specification includes the dataSchema, ioConfig, and tuningConfig objects.


GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/{supervisorId}


Successfully retrieved supervisor spec

Sample request

The following example shows how to retrieve the specification of a supervisor with the name wikipedia_stream.

curl "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/wikipedia_stream"

Sample response

View the response
"type": "kafka",
"spec": {
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "social_media",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "__time",
"format": "iso",
"missingValue": null
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"type": "string",
"name": "username",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "string",
"name": "post_title",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "long",
"name": "views",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "upvotes",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "comments",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "string",
"name": "edited",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"dimensionExclusions": [
"includeAllDimensions": false,
"useSchemaDiscovery": false
"metricsSpec": [],
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": {
"type": "none"
"rollup": false,
"intervals": []
"transformSpec": {
"filter": null,
"transforms": []
"ioConfig": {
"topic": "social_media",
"inputFormat": {
"type": "json"
"replicas": 1,
"taskCount": 1,
"taskDuration": "PT3600S",
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9094"
"autoScalerConfig": null,
"pollTimeout": 100,
"startDelay": "PT5S",
"period": "PT30S",
"useEarliestOffset": true,
"completionTimeout": "PT1800S",
"lateMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"earlyMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"lateMessageRejectionStartDateTime": null,
"configOverrides": null,
"idleConfig": null,
"stream": "social_media",
"useEarliestSequenceNumber": true
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "kafka",
"appendableIndexSpec": {
"type": "onheap",
"preserveExistingMetrics": false
"maxRowsInMemory": 150000,
"maxBytesInMemory": 0,
"skipBytesInMemoryOverheadCheck": false,
"maxRowsPerSegment": 5000000,
"maxTotalRows": null,
"intermediatePersistPeriod": "PT10M",
"maxPendingPersists": 0,
"indexSpec": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"indexSpecForIntermediatePersists": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"reportParseExceptions": false,
"handoffConditionTimeout": 0,
"resetOffsetAutomatically": false,
"segmentWriteOutMediumFactory": null,
"workerThreads": null,
"chatRetries": 8,
"httpTimeout": "PT10S",
"shutdownTimeout": "PT80S",
"offsetFetchPeriod": "PT30S",
"intermediateHandoffPeriod": "P2147483647D",
"logParseExceptions": false,
"maxParseExceptions": 2147483647,
"maxSavedParseExceptions": 0,
"skipSequenceNumberAvailabilityCheck": false,
"repartitionTransitionDuration": "PT120S"
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "social_media",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "__time",
"format": "iso",
"missingValue": null
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"type": "string",
"name": "username",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "string",
"name": "post_title",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "long",
"name": "views",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "upvotes",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "comments",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "string",
"name": "edited",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"dimensionExclusions": [
"includeAllDimensions": false,
"useSchemaDiscovery": false
"metricsSpec": [],
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": {
"type": "none"
"rollup": false,
"intervals": []
"transformSpec": {
"filter": null,
"transforms": []
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "kafka",
"appendableIndexSpec": {
"type": "onheap",
"preserveExistingMetrics": false
"maxRowsInMemory": 150000,
"maxBytesInMemory": 0,
"skipBytesInMemoryOverheadCheck": false,
"maxRowsPerSegment": 5000000,
"maxTotalRows": null,
"intermediatePersistPeriod": "PT10M",
"maxPendingPersists": 0,
"indexSpec": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"indexSpecForIntermediatePersists": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"reportParseExceptions": false,
"handoffConditionTimeout": 0,
"resetOffsetAutomatically": false,
"segmentWriteOutMediumFactory": null,
"workerThreads": null,
"chatRetries": 8,
"httpTimeout": "PT10S",
"shutdownTimeout": "PT80S",
"offsetFetchPeriod": "PT30S",
"intermediateHandoffPeriod": "P2147483647D",
"logParseExceptions": false,
"maxParseExceptions": 2147483647,
"maxSavedParseExceptions": 0,
"skipSequenceNumberAvailabilityCheck": false,
"repartitionTransitionDuration": "PT120S"
"ioConfig": {
"topic": "social_media",
"inputFormat": {
"type": "json"
"replicas": 1,
"taskCount": 1,
"taskDuration": "PT3600S",
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9094"
"autoScalerConfig": null,
"pollTimeout": 100,
"startDelay": "PT5S",
"period": "PT30S",
"useEarliestOffset": true,
"completionTimeout": "PT1800S",
"lateMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"earlyMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"lateMessageRejectionStartDateTime": null,
"configOverrides": null,
"idleConfig": null,
"stream": "social_media",
"useEarliestSequenceNumber": true
"context": null,
"suspended": false

Get supervisor status

Retrieves the current status report for a single supervisor. The report contains the state of the supervisor tasks and an array of recently thrown exceptions.

For additional information about the status report, see Supervisor reference.


GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/{supervisorId}/status


Successfully retrieved supervisor status

Sample request

The following example shows how to retrieve the status of a supervisor with the name social_media.

curl "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/social_media/status"

Sample response

View the response
"id": "social_media",
"generationTime": "2023-07-05T23:24:43.934Z",
"payload": {
"dataSource": "social_media",
"stream": "social_media",
"partitions": 1,
"replicas": 1,
"durationSeconds": 3600,
"activeTasks": [
"id": "index_kafka_social_media_ab72ae4127c591c_flcbhdlh",
"startingOffsets": {
"0": 3176381
"startTime": "2023-07-05T23:21:39.321Z",
"remainingSeconds": 3415,
"type": "ACTIVE",
"currentOffsets": {
"0": 3296632
"lag": {
"0": 3
"publishingTasks": [],
"latestOffsets": {
"0": 3296635
"minimumLag": {
"0": 3
"aggregateLag": 3,
"offsetsLastUpdated": "2023-07-05T23:24:30.212Z",
"suspended": false,
"healthy": true,
"state": "RUNNING",
"detailedState": "RUNNING",
"recentErrors": []

Get supervisor health

Retrieves the current health report for a single supervisor. The health of a supervisor is determined by the supervisor's state (as returned by the /status endpoint) and the druid.supervisor.* Overlord configuration thresholds.


GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/{supervisorId}/health


Supervisor is healthy

Sample request

The following example shows how to retrieve the health report for a supervisor with the name social_media.

curl "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/social_media/health"

Sample response

View the response
"healthy": false

Get supervisor ingestion stats

Returns a snapshot of the current ingestion row counters for each task being managed by the supervisor, along with moving averages for the row counters. See Row stats for more information.


GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/{supervisorId}/stats


Successfully retrieved supervisor stats

Sample request

The following example shows how to retrieve the current ingestion row counters for a supervisor with the name custom_data.

curl "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/custom_data/stats"

Sample response

View the response
"0": {
"index_kafka_custom_data_881d621078f6b7c_ccplchbi": {
"movingAverages": {
"buildSegments": {
"5m": {
"processed": 53.401225142603316,
"processedBytes": 5226.400757148808,
"unparseable": 0.0,
"thrownAway": 0.0,
"processedWithError": 0.0
"15m": {
"processed": 56.92994990102502,
"processedBytes": 5571.772059828217,
"unparseable": 0.0,
"thrownAway": 0.0,
"processedWithError": 0.0
"1m": {
"processed": 37.134921285556636,
"processedBytes": 3634.2766230628677,
"unparseable": 0.0,
"thrownAway": 0.0,
"processedWithError": 0.0
"totals": {
"buildSegments": {
"processed": 665,
"processedBytes": 65079,
"processedWithError": 0,
"thrownAway": 0,
"unparseable": 0

Audit history

An audit history provides a comprehensive log of events, including supervisor configuration, creation, suspension, and modification history.

Get audit history for all supervisors

Retrieves an audit history of specs for all supervisors.


GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/history


Successfully retrieved audit history

Sample request

curl "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/history"

Sample response

View the response
"social_media": [
"spec": {
"type": "kafka",
"spec": {
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "social_media",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "__time",
"format": "iso",
"missingValue": null
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"type": "string",
"name": "username",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "string",
"name": "post_title",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "long",
"name": "views",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
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"name": "upvotes",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "comments",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "string",
"name": "edited",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"dimensionExclusions": [
"includeAllDimensions": false,
"useSchemaDiscovery": false
"metricsSpec": [],
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": {
"type": "none"
"rollup": false,
"intervals": []
"transformSpec": {
"filter": null,
"transforms": []
"ioConfig": {
"topic": "social_media",
"inputFormat": {
"type": "json"
"replicas": 1,
"taskCount": 1,
"taskDuration": "PT3600S",
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9094"
"autoScalerConfig": null,
"pollTimeout": 100,
"startDelay": "PT5S",
"period": "PT30S",
"useEarliestOffset": true,
"completionTimeout": "PT1800S",
"lateMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"earlyMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"lateMessageRejectionStartDateTime": null,
"configOverrides": null,
"idleConfig": null,
"stream": "social_media",
"useEarliestSequenceNumber": true
"tuningConfig": {
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"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
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"handoffConditionTimeout": 0,
"resetOffsetAutomatically": false,
"segmentWriteOutMediumFactory": null,
"workerThreads": null,
"chatRetries": 8,
"httpTimeout": "PT10S",
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"offsetFetchPeriod": "PT30S",
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"maxSavedParseExceptions": 0,
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"column": "__time",
"format": "iso",
"missingValue": null
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"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
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"createBitmapIndex": false
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"name": "edited",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"dimensionExclusions": [
"includeAllDimensions": false,
"useSchemaDiscovery": false
"metricsSpec": [],
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": {
"type": "none"
"rollup": false,
"intervals": []
"transformSpec": {
"filter": null,
"transforms": []
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "kafka",
"appendableIndexSpec": {
"type": "onheap",
"preserveExistingMetrics": false
"maxRowsInMemory": 150000,
"maxBytesInMemory": 0,
"skipBytesInMemoryOverheadCheck": false,
"maxRowsPerSegment": 5000000,
"maxTotalRows": null,
"intermediatePersistPeriod": "PT10M",
"maxPendingPersists": 0,
"indexSpec": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
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"longEncoding": "longs"
"indexSpecForIntermediatePersists": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"reportParseExceptions": false,
"handoffConditionTimeout": 0,
"resetOffsetAutomatically": false,
"segmentWriteOutMediumFactory": null,
"workerThreads": null,
"chatRetries": 8,
"httpTimeout": "PT10S",
"shutdownTimeout": "PT80S",
"offsetFetchPeriod": "PT30S",
"intermediateHandoffPeriod": "P2147483647D",
"logParseExceptions": false,
"maxParseExceptions": 2147483647,
"maxSavedParseExceptions": 0,
"skipSequenceNumberAvailabilityCheck": false,
"repartitionTransitionDuration": "PT120S"
"ioConfig": {
"topic": "social_media",
"inputFormat": {
"type": "json"
"replicas": 1,
"taskCount": 1,
"taskDuration": "PT3600S",
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9094"
"autoScalerConfig": null,
"pollTimeout": 100,
"startDelay": "PT5S",
"period": "PT30S",
"useEarliestOffset": true,
"completionTimeout": "PT1800S",
"lateMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"earlyMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"lateMessageRejectionStartDateTime": null,
"configOverrides": null,
"idleConfig": null,
"stream": "social_media",
"useEarliestSequenceNumber": true
"context": null,
"suspended": false
"version": "2023-07-03T18:51:02.970Z"

Get audit history for a specific supervisor

Retrieves an audit history of specs for a single supervisor.


GET /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/{supervisorId}/history


Successfully retrieved supervisor audit history

Sample request

The following example shows how to retrieve the audit history of a supervisor with the name wikipedia_stream.

curl "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/wikipedia_stream/history"

Sample response

View the response
"spec": {
"type": "kafka",
"spec": {
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "wikipedia_stream",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "__time",
"format": "iso",
"missingValue": null
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"type": "string",
"name": "username",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "string",
"name": "post_title",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "long",
"name": "views",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "upvotes",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "comments",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "string",
"name": "edited",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"dimensionExclusions": [
"includeAllDimensions": false,
"useSchemaDiscovery": false
"metricsSpec": [],
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": {
"type": "none"
"rollup": false,
"intervals": []
"transformSpec": {
"filter": null,
"transforms": []
"ioConfig": {
"topic": "social_media",
"inputFormat": {
"type": "json"
"replicas": 1,
"taskCount": 1,
"taskDuration": "PT3600S",
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9042"
"autoScalerConfig": null,
"pollTimeout": 100,
"startDelay": "PT5S",
"period": "PT30S",
"useEarliestOffset": true,
"completionTimeout": "PT1800S",
"lateMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"earlyMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"lateMessageRejectionStartDateTime": null,
"configOverrides": null,
"idleConfig": null,
"stream": "social_media",
"useEarliestSequenceNumber": true
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "kafka",
"appendableIndexSpec": {
"type": "onheap",
"preserveExistingMetrics": false
"maxRowsInMemory": 150000,
"maxBytesInMemory": 0,
"skipBytesInMemoryOverheadCheck": false,
"maxRowsPerSegment": 5000000,
"maxTotalRows": null,
"intermediatePersistPeriod": "PT10M",
"maxPendingPersists": 0,
"indexSpec": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
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"longEncoding": "longs"
"indexSpecForIntermediatePersists": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
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"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"reportParseExceptions": false,
"handoffConditionTimeout": 0,
"resetOffsetAutomatically": false,
"segmentWriteOutMediumFactory": null,
"workerThreads": null,
"chatRetries": 8,
"httpTimeout": "PT10S",
"shutdownTimeout": "PT80S",
"offsetFetchPeriod": "PT30S",
"intermediateHandoffPeriod": "P2147483647D",
"logParseExceptions": false,
"maxParseExceptions": 2147483647,
"maxSavedParseExceptions": 0,
"skipSequenceNumberAvailabilityCheck": false,
"repartitionTransitionDuration": "PT120S"
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "wikipedia_stream",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "__time",
"format": "iso",
"missingValue": null
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"type": "string",
"name": "username",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "string",
"name": "post_title",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "long",
"name": "views",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "upvotes",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
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"name": "comments",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "string",
"name": "edited",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"dimensionExclusions": [
"includeAllDimensions": false,
"useSchemaDiscovery": false
"metricsSpec": [],
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": {
"type": "none"
"rollup": false,
"intervals": []
"transformSpec": {
"filter": null,
"transforms": []
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "kafka",
"appendableIndexSpec": {
"type": "onheap",
"preserveExistingMetrics": false
"maxRowsInMemory": 150000,
"maxBytesInMemory": 0,
"skipBytesInMemoryOverheadCheck": false,
"maxRowsPerSegment": 5000000,
"maxTotalRows": null,
"intermediatePersistPeriod": "PT10M",
"maxPendingPersists": 0,
"indexSpec": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
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"longEncoding": "longs"
"indexSpecForIntermediatePersists": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"reportParseExceptions": false,
"handoffConditionTimeout": 0,
"resetOffsetAutomatically": false,
"segmentWriteOutMediumFactory": null,
"workerThreads": null,
"chatRetries": 8,
"httpTimeout": "PT10S",
"shutdownTimeout": "PT80S",
"offsetFetchPeriod": "PT30S",
"intermediateHandoffPeriod": "P2147483647D",
"logParseExceptions": false,
"maxParseExceptions": 2147483647,
"maxSavedParseExceptions": 0,
"skipSequenceNumberAvailabilityCheck": false,
"repartitionTransitionDuration": "PT120S"
"ioConfig": {
"topic": "social_media",
"inputFormat": {
"type": "json"
"replicas": 1,
"taskCount": 1,
"taskDuration": "PT3600S",
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9042"
"autoScalerConfig": null,
"pollTimeout": 100,
"startDelay": "PT5S",
"period": "PT30S",
"useEarliestOffset": true,
"completionTimeout": "PT1800S",
"lateMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"earlyMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"lateMessageRejectionStartDateTime": null,
"configOverrides": null,
"idleConfig": null,
"stream": "social_media",
"useEarliestSequenceNumber": true
"context": null,
"suspended": false
"version": "2023-07-05T20:59:16.872Z"

Manage supervisors

Create or update a supervisor

Creates a new supervisor spec or updates an existing one with new configuration and schema information. When updating a supervisor spec, the datasource must remain the same as the previous supervisor.

You can define a supervisor spec for Apache Kafka or Amazon Kinesis streaming ingestion methods.

The following table lists the properties of a supervisor spec:

typeStringThe supervisor type. One ofkafka or kinesis.Yes
specObjectThe container object for the supervisor configuration.Yes
ioConfigObjectThe I/O configuration object to define the connection and I/O-related settings for the supervisor and indexing task.Yes
dataSchemaObjectThe schema for the indexing task to use during ingestion. See dataSchema for more information.Yes
tuningConfigObjectThe tuning configuration object to define performance-related settings for the supervisor and indexing tasks.No

When you call this endpoint on an existing supervisor, the running supervisor signals its tasks to stop reading and begin publishing, exiting itself. Druid then uses the provided configuration from the request body to create a new supervisor. Druid submits a new schema while retaining existing publishing tasks and starts new tasks at the previous task offsets. This way, you can apply configuration changes without a pause in ingestion.


POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor


Successfully created a new supervisor or updated an existing supervisor

Sample request

The following example uses JSON input format to create a supervisor spec for Kafka with a social_media datasource and social_media topic.

curl "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"type": "kafka",
"spec": {
"ioConfig": {
"type": "kafka",
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9094"
"topic": "social_media",
"inputFormat": {
"type": "json"
"useEarliestOffset": true
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "kafka"
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "social_media",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "__time",
"format": "iso"
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"type": "long",
"name": "views"
"type": "long",
"name": "upvotes"
"type": "long",
"name": "comments"
"granularitySpec": {
"queryGranularity": "none",
"rollup": false,
"segmentGranularity": "hour"

Sample response

View the response
"id": "social_media"

Suspend a running supervisor

Suspends a single running supervisor. Returns the updated supervisor spec, where the suspended property is set to true. The suspended supervisor continues to emit logs and metrics. Indexing tasks remain suspended until you resume the supervisor.


POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/{supervisorId}/suspend


Successfully shut down supervisor

Sample request

The following example shows how to suspend a running supervisor with the name social_media.

curl --request POST "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/social_media/suspend"

Sample response

View the response
"type": "kafka",
"spec": {
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "social_media",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "__time",
"format": "iso",
"missingValue": null
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"type": "string",
"name": "username",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "string",
"name": "post_title",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "long",
"name": "views",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "upvotes",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "comments",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "string",
"name": "edited",
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"dimensionExclusions": [
"includeAllDimensions": false,
"useSchemaDiscovery": false
"metricsSpec": [],
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": {
"type": "none"
"rollup": false,
"intervals": []
"transformSpec": {
"filter": null,
"transforms": []
"ioConfig": {
"topic": "social_media",
"inputFormat": {
"type": "json"
"replicas": 1,
"taskCount": 1,
"taskDuration": "PT3600S",
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9094"
"autoScalerConfig": null,
"pollTimeout": 100,
"startDelay": "PT5S",
"period": "PT30S",
"useEarliestOffset": true,
"completionTimeout": "PT1800S",
"lateMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"earlyMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"lateMessageRejectionStartDateTime": null,
"configOverrides": null,
"idleConfig": null,
"stream": "social_media",
"useEarliestSequenceNumber": true
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "kafka",
"appendableIndexSpec": {
"type": "onheap",
"preserveExistingMetrics": false
"maxRowsInMemory": 150000,
"maxBytesInMemory": 0,
"skipBytesInMemoryOverheadCheck": false,
"maxRowsPerSegment": 5000000,
"maxTotalRows": null,
"intermediatePersistPeriod": "PT10M",
"maxPendingPersists": 0,
"indexSpec": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
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"handoffConditionTimeout": 0,
"resetOffsetAutomatically": false,
"segmentWriteOutMediumFactory": null,
"workerThreads": null,
"chatRetries": 8,
"httpTimeout": "PT10S",
"shutdownTimeout": "PT80S",
"offsetFetchPeriod": "PT30S",
"intermediateHandoffPeriod": "P2147483647D",
"logParseExceptions": false,
"maxParseExceptions": 2147483647,
"maxSavedParseExceptions": 0,
"skipSequenceNumberAvailabilityCheck": false,
"repartitionTransitionDuration": "PT120S"
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "social_media",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "__time",
"format": "iso",
"missingValue": null
"dimensionsSpec": {
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"type": "string",
"name": "username",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
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"type": "string",
"name": "post_title",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "long",
"name": "views",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
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"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": {
"type": "none"
"rollup": false,
"intervals": []
"transformSpec": {
"filter": null,
"transforms": []
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "kafka",
"appendableIndexSpec": {
"type": "onheap",
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"skipSequenceNumberAvailabilityCheck": false,
"repartitionTransitionDuration": "PT120S"
"ioConfig": {
"topic": "social_media",
"inputFormat": {
"type": "json"
"replicas": 1,
"taskCount": 1,
"taskDuration": "PT3600S",
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9094"
"autoScalerConfig": null,
"pollTimeout": 100,
"startDelay": "PT5S",
"period": "PT30S",
"useEarliestOffset": true,
"completionTimeout": "PT1800S",
"lateMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"earlyMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"lateMessageRejectionStartDateTime": null,
"configOverrides": null,
"idleConfig": null,
"stream": "social_media",
"useEarliestSequenceNumber": true
"context": null,
"suspended": true

Suspend all supervisors

Suspends all supervisors. Note that this endpoint returns an HTTP 200 Success code message even if there are no supervisors or running supervisors to suspend.


POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/suspendAll


Successfully suspended all supervisors

Sample request

curl --request POST "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/suspendAll"

Sample response

View the response
"status": "success"

Resume a supervisor

Resumes indexing tasks for a supervisor. Returns an updated supervisor spec with the suspended property set to false.


POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/{supervisorId}/resume


Successfully resumed supervisor

Sample request

The following example resumes a previously suspended supervisor with name social_media.

curl --request POST "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/social_media/resume"

Sample response

View the response
"type": "kafka",
"spec": {
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "social_media",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "__time",
"format": "iso",
"missingValue": null
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"type": "string",
"name": "username",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "string",
"name": "post_title",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "long",
"name": "views",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "upvotes",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "comments",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "string",
"name": "edited",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"dimensionExclusions": [
"includeAllDimensions": false,
"useSchemaDiscovery": false
"metricsSpec": [],
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": {
"type": "none"
"rollup": false,
"intervals": []
"transformSpec": {
"filter": null,
"transforms": []
"ioConfig": {
"topic": "social_media",
"inputFormat": {
"type": "json"
"replicas": 1,
"taskCount": 1,
"taskDuration": "PT3600S",
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9094"
"autoScalerConfig": null,
"pollTimeout": 100,
"startDelay": "PT5S",
"period": "PT30S",
"useEarliestOffset": true,
"completionTimeout": "PT1800S",
"lateMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"earlyMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"lateMessageRejectionStartDateTime": null,
"configOverrides": null,
"idleConfig": null,
"stream": "social_media",
"useEarliestSequenceNumber": true
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "kafka",
"appendableIndexSpec": {
"type": "onheap",
"preserveExistingMetrics": false
"maxRowsInMemory": 150000,
"maxBytesInMemory": 0,
"skipBytesInMemoryOverheadCheck": false,
"maxRowsPerSegment": 5000000,
"maxTotalRows": null,
"intermediatePersistPeriod": "PT10M",
"maxPendingPersists": 0,
"indexSpec": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"indexSpecForIntermediatePersists": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"reportParseExceptions": false,
"handoffConditionTimeout": 0,
"resetOffsetAutomatically": false,
"segmentWriteOutMediumFactory": null,
"workerThreads": null,
"chatRetries": 8,
"httpTimeout": "PT10S",
"shutdownTimeout": "PT80S",
"offsetFetchPeriod": "PT30S",
"intermediateHandoffPeriod": "P2147483647D",
"logParseExceptions": false,
"maxParseExceptions": 2147483647,
"maxSavedParseExceptions": 0,
"skipSequenceNumberAvailabilityCheck": false,
"repartitionTransitionDuration": "PT120S"
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "social_media",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "__time",
"format": "iso",
"missingValue": null
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"type": "string",
"name": "username",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "string",
"name": "post_title",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"type": "long",
"name": "views",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "upvotes",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "long",
"name": "comments",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": false
"type": "string",
"name": "edited",
"multiValueHandling": "SORTED_ARRAY",
"createBitmapIndex": true
"dimensionExclusions": [
"includeAllDimensions": false,
"useSchemaDiscovery": false
"metricsSpec": [],
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": {
"type": "none"
"rollup": false,
"intervals": []
"transformSpec": {
"filter": null,
"transforms": []
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "kafka",
"appendableIndexSpec": {
"type": "onheap",
"preserveExistingMetrics": false
"maxRowsInMemory": 150000,
"maxBytesInMemory": 0,
"skipBytesInMemoryOverheadCheck": false,
"maxRowsPerSegment": 5000000,
"maxTotalRows": null,
"intermediatePersistPeriod": "PT10M",
"maxPendingPersists": 0,
"indexSpec": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"indexSpecForIntermediatePersists": {
"bitmap": {
"type": "roaring"
"dimensionCompression": "lz4",
"stringDictionaryEncoding": {
"type": "utf8"
"metricCompression": "lz4",
"longEncoding": "longs"
"reportParseExceptions": false,
"handoffConditionTimeout": 0,
"resetOffsetAutomatically": false,
"segmentWriteOutMediumFactory": null,
"workerThreads": null,
"chatRetries": 8,
"httpTimeout": "PT10S",
"shutdownTimeout": "PT80S",
"offsetFetchPeriod": "PT30S",
"intermediateHandoffPeriod": "P2147483647D",
"logParseExceptions": false,
"maxParseExceptions": 2147483647,
"maxSavedParseExceptions": 0,
"skipSequenceNumberAvailabilityCheck": false,
"repartitionTransitionDuration": "PT120S"
"ioConfig": {
"topic": "social_media",
"inputFormat": {
"type": "json"
"replicas": 1,
"taskCount": 1,
"taskDuration": "PT3600S",
"consumerProperties": {
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9094"
"autoScalerConfig": null,
"pollTimeout": 100,
"startDelay": "PT5S",
"period": "PT30S",
"useEarliestOffset": true,
"completionTimeout": "PT1800S",
"lateMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"earlyMessageRejectionPeriod": null,
"lateMessageRejectionStartDateTime": null,
"configOverrides": null,
"idleConfig": null,
"stream": "social_media",
"useEarliestSequenceNumber": true
"context": null,
"suspended": false

Resume all supervisors

Resumes all supervisors. Note that this endpoint returns an HTTP 200 Success code even if there are no supervisors or suspended supervisors to resume.


POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/resumeAll


Successfully resumed all supervisors

Sample request

curl --request POST "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/resumeAll"

Sample response

View the response
"status": "success"

Reset a supervisor

The supervisor must be running for this endpoint to be available.

Resets the specified supervisor. This endpoint clears supervisor metadata, prompting the supervisor to resume data reading. The supervisor restarts from the earliest or latest available position, depending on the value of the useEarliestOffset property. After clearing all stored offsets, the supervisor kills and recreates active tasks, so that tasks begin reading from valid positions.

Use this endpoint to recover from a stopped state due to missing offsets. Use this endpoint with caution as it may result in skipped messages and lead to data loss or duplicate data.

The indexing service keeps track of the latest persisted offsets to provide exactly-once ingestion guarantees across tasks. Subsequent tasks must start reading from where the previous task completed for Druid to accept the generated segments. If the messages at the expected starting offsets are no longer available, the supervisor refuses to start and in-flight tasks fail. Possible causes for missing messages include the message retention period elapsing or the topic being removed and re-created. Use the reset endpoint to recover from this condition.


POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/{supervisorId}/reset


Successfully reset supervisor

Sample request

The following example shows how to reset a supervisor with the name social_media.

curl --request POST "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/social_media/reset"

Sample response

View the response
"id": "social_media"

Reset offsets for a supervisor

The supervisor must be running for this endpoint to be available.

Resets the specified offsets for partitions without resetting the entire set.

This endpoint clears only the stored offsets, prompting the supervisor to resume reading data from the specified offsets. If there are no stored offsets, the specified offsets are set in the metadata store.

After resetting stored offsets, the supervisor kills and recreates any active tasks pertaining to the specified partitions, so that tasks begin reading specified offsets. For partitions that are not specified in this operation, the supervisor resumes from the last stored offset.

Use this endpoint with caution. It can cause skipped messages, leading to data loss or duplicate data.


POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/{supervisorId}/resetOffsets


Successfully reset offsets

Reset Offsets Metadata

This section presents the structure and details of the reset offsets metadata payload.

typeStringThe type of reset offsets metadata payload. It must match the supervisor's type. Possible values: kafka or kinesis.Yes
partitionsObjectAn object representing the reset metadata. See below for details.Yes


The following table defines the fields within the partitions object in the reset offsets metadata payload.

typeStringMust be set as end. Indicates the end sequence numbers for the reset offsets.Yes
streamStringThe stream to be reset. It must be a valid stream consumed by the supervisor.Yes
partitionOffsetMapObjectA map of partitions to corresponding offsets for the stream to be reset.Yes

Sample request

The following example shows how to reset offsets for a Kafka supervisor with the name social_media. For example, the supervisor is reading from a Kafka topic ads_media_stream and has the stored offsets: {"0": 0, "1": 10, "2": 20, "3": 40}.

curl --request POST "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/social_media/resetOffsets"
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw '{"type":"kafka","partitions":{"type":"end","stream":"ads_media_stream","partitionOffsetMap":{"0":100, "2": 650}}}'

Sample response

View the response
"id": "social_media"

Terminate a supervisor

Terminates a supervisor and its associated indexing tasks, triggering the publishing of their segments. When you terminate a supervisor, Druid places a tombstone marker in the metadata store to prevent reloading on restart.

The terminated supervisor still exists in the metadata store and its history can be retrieved.


POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/{supervisorId}/terminate


Successfully terminated a supervisor

Sample request

curl --request POST "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/social_media/terminate"

Sample response

View the response
"id": "social_media"

Terminate all supervisors

Terminates all supervisors. Terminated supervisors still exist in the metadata store and their history can be retrieved. Note that this endpoint returns an HTTP 200 Success code even if there are no supervisors or running supervisors to terminate.


POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/terminateAll


Successfully terminated all supervisors

Sample request

curl --request POST "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/terminateAll"

Sample response

View the response
"status": "success"

Handoff task groups for a supervisor early

Trigger handoff for specified task groups of a supervisor early. This is a best effort API and makes no guarantees of handoff execution


POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/{supervisorId}/taskGroups/handoff

Sample request

The following example shows how to handoff task groups for a supervisor with the name social_media and has the task groups: 1,2,3.

curl --request POST "http://ROUTER_IP:ROUTER_PORT/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/social_media/taskGroups/handoff"
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw '{"taskGroupIds": [1, 2, 3]}'

Sample response

View the response
(empty response)

Shut down a supervisor

Shuts down a supervisor. This endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Use the equivalent terminate endpoint instead.


POST /druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/{supervisorId}/shutdown